Syllabus of Islamic Courses
Muslim Youth in Britain
Islam from the Viewpoint of the West
  • Syllabus of Islamic Courses
    The aim of this project is to support instructors of Islamic courses in developing an effective course syllabus that suites the learning needs of students at different ages.
  • Muslim Youth in Britain
    Our new project “Muslim Youth in Britain” tends to show what is the young Muslim’s expectations , challenges and opportunities in a minority Muslim society.
  • Islam from the Viewpoint of the West
    This Journal is published since 2006 with the goal of introduction and provision of critical reviews for the most recent published works on the subject of Islam and the West for the Persian-speaking scholars, top religious leaders and institutions of advanced studies on Islam and related studies.


The Islamic Research and Information Center, in collaboration with scholars, professors and experts in the area of Islam and the West, enhances studies on Islam and Muslims through contemporary social, cultural and religious contexts within the Western societies.

Furthermore, our scholars perform academic research on issues of Islamic thought & teachings to promote the true image of Islam in the Western world. Such research includes Qur’an and Hadith studies, history of Islam, life of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and His Progeny (a.s), Islam and modernity, Islam and violence, Islam and women's Issues, Islam and human rights, lifestyle in Islam, etc. Study of Judaism and Christianity as significant manifestations of the human civilization is also one of the research areas in IRIC.

The Research Department is also in the process of making the IRIC library as one of the most comprehensive libraries of Islamic studies in the West. Currently, the library is pleased to have hundreds of books, E-books, journals and DVDs.

The main activities of the Research Department are as follows:

  • cultural and religious environmental studies, such as Islam and Muslims in Britain which concentrates on the cultural, social, political and religious challenges encountering Muslim communities in Britain 

  • publishing the Journal of "Islam from the Viewpoint of the West", a research publication including book reviews, abstract of the most recent thesis & dissertations in the areas relevant to Islam and Muslims in the West as well as movie criticism which are of relevance to contemporary Islamic Issues in the context of the most recent western academic publications and works

  • translating social and cultural works done by distinguished researchers in the West into Persian language;

  • publishing works expressing the thought, faith, and history of Shi‘a Islam;

  • researching subjects relevant to modern Islamic societies such as Muslim youth residing in Britain;

  • organizing academic seminars and conferences in collaboration with other organizations, institutes & centers to discuss topics of contemporary cultural and social Muslim challenges in the West

  • preparing the syllabus and content for the Islamic studies courses for full-time & part-time Islamic schools

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Browse Our Research & Journal Projects      Muslim Youth in Britain
Tends to show what is the young  Muslim’s  expectations , challenges and opportunities in a minority Muslim society
 Islam from the Viewpoint of the West
A brief report on "Islamic Jihad" in the context of the most recent western academic publications and works
Strategic Studies
Contemporary Issues & Islamic Approach
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Educational Studies
Journals & Publications